How To Create Custom Template for Child Categories in WordPress

How To Create Custom Template for Child Categories in WordPress

The concept of themes is one of the most essential selling points of WordPress. A single theme significantly improves the aesthetics and operation of the website. However, some websites use distinct styles on different pages.

If you’ve been using WordPress for a while, you’re probably familiar with its basic structure and the primary features it offers to bloggers. WordPress comes with two kinds of content by default: posts and pages.

Posts are further subdivided into categories and tags, and you can convert categories to tags and tags to categories as needed. You can create a separate page for each specific type of content, such as a blog, a shop, a contacts page, and so on.

add_filter( 'category_template', 'cxc_custom_category_templates' );

function cxc_custom_category_templates( $template ) {
	$category = get_category( get_queried_object_id() );
	if ( $category->category_parent > 0 ) {
		$sub_category_template = locate_template( 'child-category.php' ); // specify template name which you create for child category
		$template = !empty($sub_category_template) ? $sub_category_template : $template;
	return $template;
  • The code is a function that is called when the category template is being set.
  •  The code first checks to see if the current category has any parent categories.
  •  If it does, then it looks for a child-category.php template and sets the custom template as its value otherwise, it uses the default category template which is specified in wc_custom_category_templates().
  •  The code starts by getting the ID of the current object from get_queried_object() and calling get_category() on this object to retrieve its parent categories.
  •  Then, if there are any parents, then locate a child-category.php file and use that as an alternative custom template for this particular category’s page layout instead of using wc_custom_category_templates().
  •  The code will add a filter to the category template which is used for all categories.
  •  The code above will locate the child-category.php template and use that as the default template if one does not exist in this case.

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