How to Use Ajax to Upload a File in WordPress

How to Use Ajax to Upload a File in WordPress

If you’re wondering How to Upload a File in WordPress Using Ajax, you’ve come to the right place. We’ll show you how to upload a file using a frontend form and jquery ajax without installing a plugin from the WordPress media library.

Create HTML Form

<h2>Upload a File</h2>
	<form method="post" class="cxc_upload_form"enctype="multipart/form-data">
		<div class="cxc_image_url"></div>
		<input type="file" name="file" required />
		<input type="submit" id="cxc_upload_file" name="cxc_upload_file" value="Upload"/>

Ajax submission Get jQuery code

<script type="text/javascript">


			jQuery(document).on('click', '#cxc_upload_file', function(e){

				var cxc_form = new FormData();
				var file = jQuery(document).find('input[type="file"]');
				var cxc_individual_file = file[0].files[0];

				if( cxc_individual_file == undefined ){
					alert('Please Include a Image');

					cxc_form.append("file", cxc_individual_file);
					cxc_form.append('action', 'cxc_upload_file_data');

						type: 'POST',
						url: '<?php echo admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ); ?>',
						data: cxc_form,
						contentType: false,
						processData: false,
						success: function( cxc_response ){

							if( cxc_response != '' && cxc_response.success ){
								alert('successfully uploaded an image');
								jQuery( '.cxc_upload_form .cxc_image_url' ).html( '<img style="max-width:400px;width:100%;height:auto;margin-bottom:10px;" src="' +  cxc_response.cxc_image_url + '">' );
								alert('Image not uploaded');

Ajax in WordPress/PHP code

/* Upload File Data With Ajax*/

add_action('wp_ajax_cxc_upload_file_data', 'cxc_upload_file_data');
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_cxc_upload_file_data', 'cxc_upload_file_data');

function cxc_upload_file_data(){

	$cxc_upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
	$cxc_success = false;
	$cxc_messages = '';

	if ( ! empty( $cxc_upload_dir['basedir'] ) ) {

		$cxc_user_dirname = $cxc_upload_dir['basedir'].'/cxc-images/';
		$cxc_user_baseurl = $cxc_upload_dir['baseurl'].'/cxc-images/';

		if ( ! file_exists( $cxc_user_dirname ) ) {
			wp_mkdir_p( $cxc_user_dirname );

		$cxc_filename = wp_unique_filename( $cxc_user_dirname, $_FILES['file']['name'] );
		$cxc_success = move_uploaded_file( $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $cxc_user_dirname .''. $cxc_filename);
		$cxc_image_url = $cxc_user_baseurl .''. $cxc_filename;

		if( !empty( $cxc_success ) ){
			$cxc_success = true;
			$cxc_success = false;

		$cxc_messages = array( 'success' => $cxc_success, 'cxc_image_url' => $cxc_image_url );
		wp_send_json( $cxc_messages );


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